Endowment Fund

This Program is established to help members and friends of the Church continue stewardship of their God-given resources in perpetuity. It will provide financial support for agreed upon religious, charitable, educational, capital, and benevolent causes not usually in the Church’s budget. The Program will insure an orderly means of promoting, receiving, acknowledging, and utilizing Endowment, Memorial and Special gifts. The encouragement to give to the Program shall in no way discourage members from responsible stewardship and current support of the Church. The Endowment, Memorial and Special Gifts Committee shall keep the horizons of the members lifted beyond themselves and the local Church to the whole mission of Christ in our community and the world. 
It is the wish of the session of the First Presbyterian Church of Moorhead, hereinafter known as THE CHURCH, to encourage members and friends of THE CHURCH to insure the further advancement of the Kingdom of God by the devotion of their material resources through gifts and bequests.
It is the intent of the Session to establish a special Endowment Fund as permanent reserve in order to honor the specific request of any donor as well as restrain the use of funds from bequests for current operating expenses except as requested by the donor or upon special action by the session as herein described: and further,
It is the intent of the Session that such Endowment Fund shall be administered by the Endowment, Memorial and Special Gifts Committee as herein provided.